sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2009

Colônia de Férias no Campo

Uma equipe de Fonoaudióloga, Pedagoga, Psicóloga e a Psicopedagoga, estão coordenando uma Colônia de Férias no Campo, na Avenida Raul Lopes 2355 Bairro de Fátima, onde as crianças tem contato com a natureza, animais, plantas, jogos e atividades recreativas, histórias, contos, brincadeiras com sucatas, dobradura, argila, modelagem, pintura, confecção de fantoche, dança, vídeos, dramatização teatral e passeio a cavalo.Esse trabalho tem como objetivo proporcionar as crianças normais e portadoras de necessidades especiais, segurança no tempo e espaço vivenciando assim o caráter lúdico do lazer com intensidade, estimulação, criatividade e acima de tudo participação cultural.
Veja a entrevista com a coordenadora Socorro Dourado (Psicopedagoga):

segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2009

Rifão Musical

No dia (11/07) a Igreja de São Raimundo Nonato, Teresina/PI, promoveu um Rifão Musical em busca de recursos para reforma das instalações elétricas da igreja orçado em R$ 31.194,47, os paroquianos se fizeram presentes para colaborar com o evento e tiveram uma apresentação cultural organizada pelo maestro Robert Ferreira.
A primeira apresentação foi o Bale da Cidade de Teresina, depois a Banda Escolão do Mocambinho, Banda Luiz Gonzaga, Grupo Intinerante com Vânia, Zaqueu, Marcelo e Beto, Samara acompanhada por Robert Ferreira e finalizando o Grupo Cio da Terra com Jofran(vocal) e Robert (teclados).
Foram sorteados 1(um) Televisor, l(uma) Máquina de Lavar, 1(um) Forno Microondas e 1(um) Computador, todos os prêmios doados por paroquianos.
veja algumas fotos dos evento:

domingo, 12 de julho de 2009

Edivaldo Feitosa comemora 50 anos

Edivaldo Feitosa, engenheiro elétrico, completou 50 anos no último dia (10/07) e comemorou ao lado de amigos, mãe, irmãos, sobrinhos, filhos e esposa, sua festa teve como tema os Anos 60, tempo da Jovem Guarda, muitos convidados se vestiram a lá Roberto Carlos, Erasmo Carlos, Cauby Peixoto(Humberto Feitosa), Michael Jackson(Edivaldo Filho), Elvis Presley(Edivaldo Feitosa), Wanderléia e outros artistas da época, o bolo lembrou uma bola de futebol, no telão a história de sua vida e muita música que deixaram os convidados lembrando de como era bom aquele tempo.
veja as fotos:

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2009

Brawn GP this weekend´s German Grand Prix

From: Brawn GP
For: Dear Mario

Looking ahead to the Nürburgring

This weekend's German Grand Prix, the home race for Brawn GP's engine partner Mercedes-Benz, will be the midpoint of the 2009 season. Current Championship leader Jenson is confident the track will suit the Brawn-Mercedes car: "The Nürburgring is a relatively slow circuit with a lot of medium-speed corners which are one of the strengths of our car. It is also one of the heaviest braking circuits on the calendar so you need a car which will be good through the four heavy braking zones. With the extra week's break, everyone has been working extremely hard to get the best package for the race and we're looking forward to showing what the car can do." Rubens is looking forward to the challenges that the Nürburgring circuit provides: "I won the race here back in 2002 so the circuit holds some good memories for me. The weather can be a little unpredictable due to its location right in the Eifel Mountains but we'll be hoping for some warmer temperatures than we saw at Silverstone for the last race. The layout and flow is nice which allows you to get into a rhythm and there are some interesting undulations and bumps to look out for."

Insight into a Grand Prix weekend

Fans of the team will have the opportunity to learn more about the intensity of a Grand Prix weekend with an exclusive new website feature 'Race Blog'. From the team's race engineers to our marketing and PR representatives and our mechanics, you will be able to hear more about the action, tension and drama of a race weekend from the people on the ground. To find out more about this exclusive feature, check out the website over the weekend!

Brawn GP take the chequered flag with iPhone and iPod Touch

Brawn GP has joined forces with Upstream to create the team's first Formula One racing game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. By taking part in the new Brawn GP Racing contest, fans also have the chance to win a Mercedes-Benz SL Roadster road car. Brawn GP Racing features a track located in the heart of London, where the cars race around Hyde Park and past Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. As soon as players qualify on the rrack, they are ranked globally and are awarded entries in the draw according to their rank - the faster you are, the more chances of winning! The contest will end at the precise time at which the winning car crosses the finish line in the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi on November 1. For more information, please For more information, please visit and .

Brawn GP want your opinion!

Your thoughts are incredibly important for the team and we would like to hear from you! The team is considering the introduction of a fan club and would like to have your feedback on our ideas and what you might like to see in a potential fan club. To contribute, please follow the link on our homepage and take part in our tmail

domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

domingo, 28 de junho de 2009

Bodas de Prata - Mário Jorge e Lucia Costa

No último dia 23 de junho, o casal Mário Jorge e Lúcia Costa comemoram Bodas de Prata, ao lados dos filhos, sobrinhos, netas e amigos. Foi uma surpresa para o casal, os amigos Mário Barbosa e Valquiria convidaram para um bate papo em sua casa, porém, em dado momento os filhos e sobrinhos os chamaram até a sala de star surpreendendo-os com parabéns, veja as fotos:

Rubens on the podium at Silverstone

From: Brawn GP
For: Dear Mario

Rubens on the podium at Silverstone
Rubens drove an assured race on Sunday to achieve his second consecutive podium at Silverstone, the team's home Grand Prix. Jenson maintained his lead in the Drivers' Championship with three points for his sixth placed finish. Rubens said: "I'm really proud of the third place that we achieved at Silverstone. We knew that if the track temperatures didn't increase, then it would be incredibly difficult to beat the Red Bulls. The car has been well balanced and we certainly haven't lost performance since the last race, it's just that we have suffered badly in the cool conditions with our tyre temperatures. To come away with third and the best position that the team could have achieved this weekend is very satisfying." After the race, Ross commented: "The result was a pleasing outcome to what has been a challenging home race for Brawn GP. Rubens drove a very composed race to secure third place, whilst Jenson recovered well from a poor start when he was caught behind Jarno Trulli to score valuable points for our Championship challenge."

Brawn GP announces partnership with Graham-London
Over the Silverstone weekend, Brawn GP announced a new partnership with the iconic British watch marque Graham-London. The team and Graham-London have combined to launch two very special limited edition Brawn GP watches. The Chronofighter G-BGP-001 and the Silverstone G-BGP-001, available with black or white dials, will be limited to just 250 editions per range.

Jenson, Rubens & Ross visit Merchandise Stand
The British Grand Prix saw the launch of Brawn GP's full merchandise range, created by team partner Henri Lloyd, and available from three stands at the Silverstone circuit and Jenson, Rubens and Ross took time out of their busy schedules to visit one of the stands after qualifying on Saturday afternoon and were greeted by thousands of the team's fans. After a lively Q&A with BBC Radio 5 Live's David Croft, the trio gave away signed Brawn GP caps and stayed around to chat to fans and sign hundreds of autographs.
Fonte: Brawn GP

  (Foto: Lucas Figueiredo / CBF Frustação Botafoguense O futebol, atividade esportiva como muitos outros, reserva surpresas acreditáveis e i...